Python API Library

The FacekiAPIClientV2 is a Python client for interacting with the Faceki API. It provides methods to generate an access token, perform various KYC (Know Your Customer) operations


  • Python 3.6 or above

  • requests library


  1. Ensure that Python is installed on your system.

  2. Install the facekiapiclientv2 library by running the following command:

pip install facekiapiclientv2


  1. Import the requests library and the FacekiAPIClientV2 class:

    import requests
    from facekiapiclientv2 import FacekiAPIClientV2
  2. Create an instance of the FacekiAPIClientV2 class by providing your client ID and client secret:

    client_id = 'your_client_id'
    client_secret = 'your_client_secret'
    api_client = FacekiAPIClientV2(client_id, client_secret)
  3. Use the available methods to interact with the Faceki API. Here are some examples:

    • Generate an access token:

    • Get KYC rules:

      kyc_rules = api_client.getKYCRules()
    • Perform a KYC verification:

      selfie_image = 'path_to_selfie_image.jpg'
      id_front_image = 'path_to_id_front_image.jpg'
      id_back_image = 'path_to_id_back_image.jpg'
      dl_front_image = 'path_to_dl_front_image.jpg'
      dl_back_image = 'path_to_dl_back_image.jpg'
      pp_front_image = 'path_to_pp_front_image.jpg'
      pp_back_image = 'path_to_pp_back_image.jpg'
      result = api_client.requestKYC(selfie_image, id_front_image, id_back_image,
                                     dl_front_image, dl_back_image, pp_front_image,
    • Get KYC verification summary:

      kyc_summary = api_client.getKycSummary()
    • Generate a KYC verification link:

      expire_time = 0
      application_id = 'your_application_id'
      link = api_client.generateKYCLink(expire_time, application_id)
    • Get KYC records:

      link_id = 'your_link_id'
      kyc_records = api_client.getKYCrecords(link_id)
    • Perform a face check:

      selfie_image = 'path_to_selfie_image.jpg'
      result = api_client.faceCheck(selfie_image)

Exception Handling

The FacekiAPIClientV2 class may raise exceptions in case of errors. Ensure that you handle these exceptions appropriately in your code. Examples of possible exceptions include:

  • requests.exceptions.RequestException: Raised when there is an issue with making a request to the Faceki API.

  • Exception: Raised for various errors such as failed token generation or failed requests.


Please note that this client code is provided as a starting point and may require modifications or updates depending on the Faceki API's specific requirements or changes. Refer to the Faceki API documentation for detailed information about the API's endpoints, request/response structures, and authentication requirements.

Last updated