SDK Settings

With SDK settings, you can customize your verification requirements and see immediate changes. Here's how to get started:

SDK Setting Steps

Step 1: Access to workflow → Verification Workflow → Documents to Verify → Choose the number of documents.

Step 2: Choose which type(s) of document you want your users to verify. You can choose from a range of options depending on your specific needs.

Depending on the selected number of documents chosen in step 1, you can choose different document types as shown above, in the order that you want your users to capture them.

Step 3: Add a custom message under each verification option. This message will be displayed to your users after they complete the verification process. You can also insert a link that your users will be redirected to depending on their verification results. This allows you to customize the user experience and provide specific instructions or guidance as needed. You can use the following link for redirection:

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